PLANS for a new community fridge for Westbury are gearing up, thanks to the charity Crosspoint on Westbury Market Place, which has kindly agreed to host the fridge initially on a trial basis. Funds have also been secured to buy a fridge and cleaning supplies.
In September, Westbury Town Council approved setting up a ‘Task & Finish Group’ to work with community partners including the Waste Education Team from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, funded by Wiltshire Council, and businesses, to support the development of a Community Fridge in Westbury.
Organisers say, “The group anticipate needing at least six regular volunteers to run the fridge, with a couple of key volunteers to co-ordinate the scheme – we already have one of these volunteer co-ordinators, Radek Evans, and a number of volunteers who were signed up at the Westbury Christmas Celebrations and at events earlier in the year, but we are looking for other residents interested in becoming regular volunteers.
“The main regular volunteer tasks are likely to include checking the temperature of the fridge, cleaning the fridge, collecting food from suppliers (you may need a car depending on which store you collect from), stocking the fridge and removing any food that has passed its use by date.
“These tasks may be weekly or fortnightly and it’s estimated they would take less than a couple of hours to complete, depending on how many volunteers sign up. The town council is currently drawing up the documents for volunteers and the plan is to run an induction and training session for volunteers in January.
“If you would like to become a community fridge volunteer, please contact Kieran at Westbury Town Council kieran.thorburn@westbury or Tel: 01373 822 232