The next Supper Night at Bratton’s Jubilee Hall will be on 17th November serving from 6.30pm-8.00pm with a new menu.
Completed Christmas dinner orders can also be handed in, together with the payment.
Organisers say, “Please contact Val Witcomb on 01380 830297 or email if you have a party of more than four people.
“If you did not attend the October supper night and pick up a menu and choices form, but still want to come to the Christmas dinner, please contact Maz Talbot either by e-mail: or by phone on 07986 973209. Completed returns and payment must be made by 17th November. Christmas Menu: to start, a Buck’s fizz/sherry reception. Starters, a choice of melon cocktail or paté. Main course, a choice of full Christmas dinner or a nut roast as a vegetarian option. Pudding, either Christmas pudding or sherry trifle. The price will be £15 per head.
“The Jubilee Hall in Bratton is a large, modern village hall which can accommodate over 80 people seated for meals or for events. There is a fully equipped kitchen and a bar area and a stage which can be used for plays, a disco or a band. The ceiling in the main part of the hall is high enough to erect an inflatable bouncy castle for children’s parties. For smaller events the top end of the hall can be easily partitioned off and used separately.”
For more details please visit The hall is available for single event bookings or weekly/monthly multiple events. Please contact Val Witcomb – see her details above.