DILTON Marsh Mothers’ Union recently heard from a project that sends Christmas presents to the children of prison inmates.
Enid Holbrow reports, “On 6th October at the home of Peter and Janet Likeman, we heard Sandra Gamble talk to us about the work of the ‘Angel Tree Project’ which arranges for presents to be sent to the children of a parent in prison.
“The scheme, begun in America by Mary Kay Beard, herself an ex convict, uses donations from Mothers’ Union members and others to buy presents after speaking with the parent in prison, then wraps and posts the present to the child in time for Christmas.
“Mary Kay Beard said, ‘The very first Christmas gift was a child. For those desperate for a parent’s love, the simple opportunity to give or receive a gift at Christmas breaks down the barriers which isolate family members in prison from those outside and makes the story of a God who loves us, no matter what, come to life like few other things.’ Heartfelt letters of appreciation are often received from prisoners and their families.”