Staying alert and safe
Face coverings are not compulsory, but people are advised to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces where social distancing is not possible or where you are more likely to come into contact with people you do not normally meet. For example, on public transport or in some shops.
Face coverings can help us protect each other and reduce the spread of the disease if you are suffering from coronavirus, but not showing symptoms.
A face covering is not the same as the surgical masks worn by healthcare and other key workers. Please do not purchase medical grade masks or respirators as these need to be prioritised for
health and care workers working in more high-risk environments.
You are encouraged to make face coverings at home, using scarves or other textile items that you already own. Read the guidance on how to wear and make a cloth face covering.
Read the guidance on how to wear and make a cloth face covering
Dispose of your PPE safely
PPE (gloves and face masks) are only recommended when using public transport or in some shops. Once used PPE, including homemade face masks should be thrown away at home in your household waste bin or work bin, or a litter bin if you’re outside.
Do not put used PPE in a recycling bin, they cannot be recycled
through conventional recycling facilities.
Anyone self-isolating at home with confirmed or suspected COVID 19 should place all their personal waste materials, including any PPE, into a plastic bag and tie it when full. Once the bag is full, double bag it in a second bin bag and tie it up. Store the bags for 72 hours (three days) and then please place them in your normal wheeled bin.
COVID-19 personal protective equipment
Stay local and enjoy what’s on your doorstep
The weather’s forecast to be good this weekend and people will be keen to get out to make the most of the Government’s new guidance but please think twice about travelling to parks, beauty spots and beaches as they’re going to be busy!
You can now enjoy unlimited outdoor exercise as long as you continue to maintain social distancing rules, so why not explore what’s on your doorstep rather than driving long distances.
Playgrounds remain closed but why not enjoy a walk or cycle ride close to home and explore what’s around you.
Walking activities
Cycling activities
Household recycling centres update
All of our household recycling centres (HRCs), apart from Stanton St Quintin, have been open since Monday, and although the queues have been long, they have been well managed.
Please consider if you really need to travel to a HRC – queues are very long, with waits of several hours at times.
If your waste cannot safely be stored at home and you must travel to a HRC, please note the following:
- We’re operating a postcode entry system – check your postcode.
- Several HRCs are operating different opening hours – check opening hours.
- For sites that are open all day, queues are slightly shorter in the afternoons, but you will still have a long wait of at least an hour – so please only attend if you really cannot store your waste at home.
- If you really must travel to a HRC, your nearest site may not be the one with the shortest queue.
- Save a wasted journey by checking what you can and can’t bring to a HRC.
Remember that only one person per vehicle can get out – this is to protect our staff and ensure social distancing.
Help Wiltshire farmers bring in the harvest
Pick for Britain is a campaign to recruit people to help harvest this year’s fruit and veg crops. The Coronavirus situation means that many farmers do not have enough people to pick this year’s crops.
If you are looking for work this summer, visit the Pick for Britain website where you will find growers, recruiters, and agencies that have job opportunities across the country and in Wiltshire.
The roads have been quieter and many people have taken the opportunity to take their exercise by running, walking or cycling. However, we have received many reports of motorists taking the risk of driving faster and in some cases far in excess of the legal limit.
Over the next few week, Wiltshire Police is joining other forces throughout the UK and taking part in a two phase operation to remind motorists of the importance of travelling within the speed limit. This operation is deliberately timed as travel restrictions start to ease, to keep people safe as the volume of traffic increases.
We are asking motorists to be more aware of the speed limits and of other road users. Nobody wishes survive lockdown only to become a different kind of statistic.
Kill your speed, don’t let your speed kill you or another road user
Working Safely Webinars
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is hosting a series of free webinars to help businesses make their workplace COVID-secure.
Wednesday 27 May, 11am – Working safely during coronavirus : factories, plants and warehouses
Wednesday 27 May, 3pm – Working safely during coronavirus : restaurants offering takeaway or delivery
Thursday 28 May, 11am – Working safely during coronavirus : shops and branches
Thursday 28 May, 3pm – Working safely during coronavirus : vehicles
Monday 1 June, 11am – Working safely during coronavirus : construction and other outdoor work
Monday 1 June, 3pm – Working safely during coronavirus : labs and research facilities
Tuesday 2 June, 11am – Working safely during coronavirus : offices and contact centres
Tuesday 2 June, 3pm – Working safely during coronavirus : other people’s homes
Celebrate Eid safely as Ramadan ends
The holy month of Ramadan ends this weekend (Saturday 23 to Sunday 24 May) and Wiltshire and Swindon’s Local Resilience Forum is reminding all Muslims in the county, that social distancing rules remain in place, despite the easing of the lockdown.
Places of worship including mosques remain closed and large gatherings for prayer or feasting are not possible under the current Covid-19 restrictions. Gatherings of more than two people from different households are prohibited.
Special prayers for the day of Eid – usually prayed in mosques or in parks – may be prayed within households, gifts can be exchanged by post or online and celebrations can be shared virtually.
Other restrictions mean that people cannot go to the home of a relative at Eid – visiting other homes for social or religious activities where you do not reside is not currently permitted.
Information from Muslim Council of Britain
New domestic abuse out of hours helpline
Victims of domestic abuse or those worried that someone may be suffering in silence can now access to an out of hours helpline.
This joint initiative with Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service will ensure people can get access to help and support at any time day or night.
The helpline number is 01793 610 610