WESTBURY Town Council say that money for the plans to add planters to the Market Place, refurbish the public toilets, and paint the high street bollards, has come from council reserves and will not impact on the taxpayer.
The council was responding to criticism from local people about how much money will be spent on the plans.
The town council has plans to refurbish the town’s public toilets, for the first time in 20 years, which will cost £219,700, as well as painting bollards, benches, and lighting columns in the town (£14,578), and introducing planters in the Market Place, to stop inappropriate parking (£5,436).
The town council has since issued a statement following comments by local residents on the White Horse News’ Facebook page, which criticised how much was being spent on the plans. The council also addressed comments made about the provision of Post Office facilities in the town, which suggested that the council themselves should pay for a High Street counter service
The statement, signed off by the mayor, cllr Sheilla Kimmins, and deputy mayor, cllr Mike Sutton, reads, “It is always encouraging to see that local people are interested in the town, irrespective of their views; constructive comments are always welcome and merit a considered response.
“The term ‘the council’ is frequently referred to as if it is separate from townspeople, but in reality, the councillors are comprised of local residents from all walks of life who give up their time without payment to attempt to provide some answers to the many problems all towns are experiencing. There is always confusion regarding what is the responsibility of the unitary authority (Wiltshire Council) and what a town council can influence.
“The town council has no influence on local shops, businesses or what shops may come to the town, these are commercial decisions made by the owners of the premises. The Post Office has stated that they will no longer have separate post offices and that it is a business decision for any local shop if they wish to include it. The town council can encourage and assist where possible, but the decision is for a local business.
“Planters, which are to be placed in the Market Place, are to stop the parking on the pavement, thereby allowing pedestrians easier access. This was decided as a means of enhancing the Market Place, making it more cheerful and bright, rather than extra bollards. The option chosen is the more sustainable in terms of cost and longevity.
“Some money has been made available to the town through recent housing developments, but there are restrictions on the use of such funds, and it is used where appropriate. If the money is not used within a set time, it is returned to Wiltshire Council.
“Toilets are life-expired, and parts can no longer be sourced to operate them efficiently or even do light repairs and of course they will go out to tender. Many shoppers are likely to be discouraged from visiting the centre if facilities are unavailable. Younger people may be able to cope, but many older people cannot, and it ought to be a basic human provision.
“Street furniture such as lampposts, bollards and benches are being painted and refreshed to brighten up the town and make it a pleasant place to visit or shop. Not many people feel uplifted by rusting or shoddy furniture and if we are proud of our town, we should keep it presentable, especially in light of the number of visitors who now come to Westbury to enjoy the events such as the Chilli Fest and Soapbox Derby.
“Painting also prolongs the life of the equipment by preventing deterioration and a subsequent greater cost, by having to replace them. Any furniture in public places has to be maintained to ensure the safety of those using them.
“All the funding to pay for the planters, toilets and planting has come from reserves and will not impact on the taxpayer.
“Parking is a persistent and national problem, to which there is no consensus. At every local highways meeting, there are those who want parking restrictions and those who do not, often in the same location. There is no easy answer.
“Parking enforcement is within the powers of Wiltshire Council, not the town council, and although we did ask for enforcement action for place such as the High Street and even offered to pay for an enforcement officer for a couple of days, Wiltshire Council said they had no resources available.
“If you have any questions, please get in touch – info@westburytowncouncil.gov.uk / Westbury Town Council / 01373 822232.”