View photos from the Bratton Village Fete here
BRATTON was invaded by aliens as its annual fete took place. Villagers and aliens mingled in sunshine on Saturday 21st July.
Activities including a laser dome, space hopper racing, and stalls and fairground entertainment from local clubs and organisations. The fete was followed by football matches and Bratton Silver Band’s ‘Picnic in the Park’ proms-style concert. During the afternoon there was also a ‘gunk tank’, where people were sponsored to be ‘gunked’ to raise money for their chosen charity.
Dave Waller of the fete committee said, “It was a perfect day. We had a really big turn out, and the green was full with people from 12.00midday ‘till 9.00pm. How do we top this year’s fete?!
“We think we’re going to hit around £1,600 profit. We’ve committed some money to parklife, a committee putting more play equipment on the village green. We’ve also committed money to a skate ramp in the recreation ground, and money to the pavilion. We still expect to allocate more during the year.”