AS THE new year starts, many groups and residents in Westbury need extra support, so why not get involved and help make the town a thriving place to live?

Whether you have got a few hours a week spare, or once a month, or just occasionally, there are varied volunteering opportunities in the town and local community, with local groups who need your help. Whether you have some free time to help drive people to vital appointments, help supervise a youth club, or perhaps even if you’re just a good listener with a few hours to spare each week, there’s plenty of ways to help out local people this year.
Westbury town councillor Jane Russ, who helped set up the community action group POPCAN in the Penleigh and Oldfield area, has spoken about the importance of volunteering in a local community.
She said, “Volunteering is the quickest way to feel part of your community: whether litter picking, helping at the food bank or at a town event, making a difference is what matters. Even when things are hard, I have never once regretted saying ‘I could help with that’.”
There are a range of roles available across many different organisations for those wishing to volunteer this year. For example, the Westbury and Warminster Youth Club is looking for volunteer trustees and youth support workers to help oversee the day-to-day running of the club, as well as taking part in some of the sessions. Community drivers are also needed for both the Westbury and District Link and Four Villages Link who have been voluntarily providing transport for people in the local area who are otherwise unable to attend important appointments.
The Westbury Area Network, home of the food bank, is looking for food parcel delivery drivers and Crosspoint, the local community support centre, needs good listeners to help guide people through the cost-of-living crisis. Dorothy House is seeking volunteers for patients and their families within the local community. This may include directly supporting patients and families at home, in the community, or those who have been bereaved.
The Leigh Park Community Centre also has a range of roles available and the Westbury Guides are also looking for volunteers for their Brownie and Guide units.