Westbury Walkers were again fortunate to have a dry though somewhat misty and overcast day for the December walk which started from Pewsey Wharf.
Fifteen members, led by Lynda Croft, set off along the tow path of the Kennet and Avon Canal on a 7.5 mile walk before crossing over at Pains Bridge and going north on a bridleway to Sunnyhill Lane.
From here they turned right and shortly after continued north on a field path took them towards the steep slopes of Martinsell Hill. However, being the last walk of the year, they found a nice dry hay barn to enjoy the traditional extended mid-morning break with mince pies, savoury snacks and hot mulled punch provided by members.
It was then a steady but steep climb up to the top of the hill and then the group followed field paths around Withy Copse before joining the Tan Hill Way briefly and then continuing around the edge of the escarpment and up on to the ridge to the trig point at the Giants Grave.
Here, in a hollow sheltered from the cold wind, they had a leisurely lunch and with the mist clearing and just a glimpse of the sun they could fully appreciate the beautiful Pewsey Vale below.
A very steep descent then brought them back to the outgoing track where they retraced their steps back to the start. It was a pleasant and undemanding walk to end another successful year for the walking club.
Report by Paddy Yerburgh