Westbury Rugby club has resumed training at Knott Field for the coming season and are keen for new members to join them, both men and women.
The club says, “Do you fancy giving rugby a try? Perhaps you have never played before; you might be a current player and want to return to the game; or you may have played at school and would like another go at the game- all are welcome, no matter your fitness level.
“All training will be under both government and Rugby Football Union guidelines and will be run by RFU qualified coaches.
“If you are over 18 years of age and would be interested to come along to join in or just to check us out we are at the White Horse Country Park. just follow the signs for the Rugby Club.”
Ladies train Wednesday evenings at 7pm; men train Thursday evenings at 7pm.
The club can be contacted for more information on: westburyrugbyclub@ gmail.com