HERE are the three options for a community campus in Westbury, as presented by campus steering group’s consultation.
You can respond to the consultation online at www.wiltshire. Paper copies of the consultation are also available from various locations in the town, such as the town council offices and the heritage centre.
If you require the consultation in an alternative format, please email or telephone 0300 456 0100.
Option 1: A three site campus.
Option 1 would look to redistribute services and facilities across three sites within Westbury; the swimming pool would be retained along with Leighton Recreation Centre. The library would be refurbished with an extension including provision for a lift (subject to planning) to allow for more efficient and accessible use of the upper floors. The youth services would be provided across all the campus sites.
A suitable alternative owner/use would be found for the vacated youth centre building.
A suggested split of the services and core specification elements is:
• Leighton Recreation Centre: Indoor leisure, outdoor leisure, community catering facility, children’s play/activity space, neighbourhood policing team, hot desking space (split), personal care room, clinical room.
• Library: Library, community IT, single point of contact, multi-purpose space, one-to-one meeting spaces, hot desking space (split), personal care room.
• Swimming Pool: Swimming pool, personal care room (for disabled users and their carers).
Option 2: A 2 site campus
This option would provide Westbury with a two site campus – the town centre element delivered from the current library building, which would be refurbished with an extension including provision for a lift (subject to planning) to allow for more efficient and accessible use of the upper floors. Leighton Recreation Centre would be extended and refurbished to house a new swimming pool. The youth services would be provided across both the campus sites.
A suitable alternative owner/use would be found for both the vacated youth centre and swimming pool. One suggested use for the historic pool building would be for a community run arts/culture and heritage centre.
A suggested split of the services and core specification elements is:
• Leighton Recreation Centre: Indoor leisure, outdoor leisure, 25m swimming pool, multi-purpose spaces (split), community catering facility, neighbourhood policing team, children’s play/ activity/care space, hot desking space (split), personal care room, clinical room.
• Library: Library, single point of contact, community IT, multi-purpose spaces (split), one-to-one meeting spaces, hot desking space (split), personal care room
Option 3: A single site, new build campus
Option 3 would look to provide a single site campus within accessible and easy reach of the town centre. It would relocate all the current facilities to a new building/site thus making best and most efficient use of space, as well as providing the most modern, up-to-date and environmentally sustainable facilities. No particular site has been identified and the deliverability is not known, however, in the event that this option was preferred by the community, the council would look to identify potential sites.
Any vacated sites (e.g. Leighton recreation centre, library, swimming pool and youth centre) would all be found suitable alternative uses to the benefit of improving the prosperity and economic growth of Westbury town centre and community area, as well as maintaining our historic buildings for appropriate uses.
A new-build campus would include all those services and facilities identified in the other two options.