WESTBURY Court Care Home in Station Road has received an overall rating of ‘requires improvement’, following an unannounced inspection on the 8th and 9th June.
Two inspectors carried out the inspection as a follow up from a visit in December 2014 where they found the provider had not satisfied the legal requirements in the area of safe management of medicines.
In the most recent report areas that the inspectors found that require improvement were the safety and the responsiveness of the service. However, the care home was given a ‘good’ rating for effectiveness, care and leadership.
The report highlighted several areas in the service that needed improving, but also recognised Westbury Court for their kindness and compassion. The report said, “People told us that they felt safe living there and they are treated with dignity and respect. We observed care and support was provided in a considerate and patient manner.”
However, the inspection found that the service was not always responsive, stating, “We found that people’s care and support plans did not always reflect people’s current needs and identify how care and support should be provided.”
Since the last inspection in 2014, a new manager has been recruited and the staff are pleased with the improvements that have since been implemented. Staff also told the inspectors they were happy and motivated in their work, that they understood their role and knew what was expected from them.