THE Mayor of Westbury, cllr Sheila Kimmins, is urging residents to attend a peaceful demonstration outside The Laverton to protest against the proposed controversial incinerator.
The planning inspector will be holding an inquiry on Tuesday 22nd November at 10am in Westbury and residents have been invited to join town councillors at 9am on the day to physically demonstrate their opposition to the planning inspector.
Cllr Kimmins says, “You have been supporting our fight for the past two years, with your banners and placards; marching through the high street, the passive closure of the main roads together with the thousands of letters that you have written.
“I am now going to ask you to support me and my fellow councillors once more. By joining us on the morning of Tuesday 22nd November at 9am in a peaceful demonstration outside of The Laverton for when the inspector arrives. If everyone who has written and or emailed comes along with their banners and placards, if we all are seen to be standing together in solidarity it will prove that Westbury still says NO INCINERATOR.”
The final decision on whether the waste incinerator can be built in the town lies with a government inspector who will hold the inquiry. This is the result of Northacre Renewable Energy Ltd (NREL), the company behind the incinerator plans, launching an appeal. NREL said that Wiltshire Council had taken too long to make a decision.
A Wiltshire Council committee met on 27th July and voted against approving the plans – a decision which the independent planning inspector, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State, will consider at the inquiry. The inquiry is planned to run in two blocks – the first week will take place from Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th November and it will reconvene following a week’s break, on Monday 5th December until Thursday 8th December.
Dan Gmaj from the Westbury Gasification Action Group/ No Westbury Incinerator (WGAG/NWI) says that local people remain united in opposition to the plans.
Dan said, “Long before the latest game of parliamentary musical chairs, two consecutive Secretaries of State for Local Communities, Robert Jenrick and Michael Gove stated that, “The final decision on the Westbury incinerator should be made locally,” and this statement was unequivocally repeated by the new Prime Minister when questioned by Dr Andrew Murrison in the House of Commons.
“We know, of course, that ‘decided locally’ means via our unitary authority’s process, but let us first remind ourselves that in West Wiltshire and neighbouring counties this is not a divisive issue at all. In fact, the few individuals that would speak in favour of the Westbury incinerator proposal are, in essence, only the appellants themselves.
“In opposition however, joining our community power campaign of 2,300 members, our MP, no less than 17 parish and town councils have actively campaigned against the many incarnations of this proposal since 2015, and now, even Wiltshire Council has pushed procedural justice to the precipice and adopted a final position to oppose the development on grounds of ‘not being sustainable development’.
“We believe it necessary to point out to the presiding inspector that there can only be one decision that offers procedural justice in this matter: to refuse this proposal and recommend nullification of all permissions relating to similar and related projects on that site. This planning appeal was requested by the appellant for ‘non determination’ of a decision by Wiltshire Council in the full knowledge that the strategic planning committee chair (cllr Howard Greenman) had assured NREL that determination was imminent at a disclosed date.
“The appellant decided to announce in June 2022 (just days before expiry) commencement of a historical incarnation/ gasification plant, which it is clear that they have no intention to build, indeed ‘could not build’ on the same site as this current proposal (they have this in reserve and will use it!).
“We the public, along with the Wiltshire planning system are clearly being played with by the appellants, a sister company of The Hills Group. Many have worked long and hard to fight these consecutive proposals, so be proud of what you have achieved, know the facts and demand justice because there must be no Westbury incinerator.”
If you wish to attend the inquiry in person, you must make it known to Wiltshire Council. The number of available places at the venue may be limited, so to ensure you are able to attend, please email as soon as possible.
To take part virtually, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser).
This link gives further information on how to use this.
Anyone wishing to attend the inquiry virtually must make it known to Wiltshire Council as soon as possible prior to the event, by emailing: