This year, Westbury will fall silent on Sunday 10th November as it remembers those who gave their lives for their country in two World Wars, and many worldwide conflicts since.
The Remembrance Service will take place at its usual location in front of the town war memorial outside the library.
The High Street parade will begin at 10.25am followed by the service, two minutes’ silence and wreath-laying ceremony. This year’s service will follow the traditional Royal British Legion protocol, with uniformed and civic representatives asked to lay wreaths first.
Westbury is unique when it comes to the level of support shown for Remembrance, considering the size of the town. For this reason, community groups are again invited to lay their wreaths at designated times.
If your organisation or group would like to lay a wreath then please contact Ryan Child, events manager, Westbury Town Council on 01373 822232 or email events@westbury
Further details of the service will be in the next edition of the White Horse News.