TRAVELLING all the way from Australia, 14 Rotarians from Rotary District 9700 in New South Wales arrived at Westbury Railway Station to be greeted by town crier John Hadfield and representatives of the Westbury Rotary Club.
Welcoming the visitors known as the ‘Diggers from Down Under,’ town crier John Hadfield said, “There is a goodly programme of visits and activities planned, as well as plenty of opportunity to sample Wiltshire hospitality and fellowship with other Rotarians and townsfolk. We charge you to have a good time and to take away many happy memories of your stay in Westbury.”
The visitors are staying with local families and enjoying an exciting programme of visits, including a trip on the Kennet and Avon canal and sightseeing in Bath, as well as having plenty of time to socialise and make friends at dinner parties, a skittles match and a barbecue.
Westbury Rotary Club president, David Perkins said, “I’m looking forward to showing them the White Horse, as the Rotary Club did have a hand in painting it. And of course showing them some good old fashioned Wiltshire hospitality and getting to know our friends from Australia. We haven’t met before, but Rotarians all over the world are friends.”
Revealing something special on the agenda for their Antipodean guests, David said, “On Saturday we are going to the Roman Baths. Then it’s on to Bathampton, which is where Admiral Arthur Phillip, who was the first governor of New South Wales, is buried and we have a chap who is an expert on Admiral Phillip meeting us there to tell us all about him.”
One of the ‘Diggers from Down Under,’ Greg McVicker said, “I’m looking forward to seeing the agriculture and seeing the area where the planes took off to bomb Berlin, as we have just been on a tour of Germany and saw the wreckage made there.”
Lois Willing said, “I’m looking forward to meeting all these wonderful new English Rotarians and seeing all the things that tourists don’t usually see.”
Team leader John Willing said, “For me, it’s building friendships first and secondly, seeing this beautiful countryside, I think we have already seen shades of green that we have never seen before. And they keep telling us you need rain!”
Westbury is the first stop for the Australian Rotarians before moving on to visit Rotary clubs in Avalon, Yeovil and Frome.