GET Wiltshire Walking for health groups are now back in action following the Covid-19 shut down of activities.
The Westbury and Warminster groups are two of the most popular groups in the county.
Get Wiltshire Walking is a Public Health funded project, which aims to ensure every community within the county has access to a free weekly led walk.
Organisers say, “Walking is the lowest risk of all physical activities yet produces massive benefits to physical fitness and mental wellbeing. This is a great way to explore your own local area and can be a really excellent way to make new friends and learn more about your immediate community.
“Currently there are 38 weekly led walks in 18 locations throughout the county, there is no limit to the number of walks you may attend.
“Each walk has its regular starting venue on the same day and time every week. We try to vary the routes each week.
“Strider walks are almost continuous and last between 60 and 90 minutes across variable terrain and may contain some gradients.
“Stroller walks last between 45 -60 minutes with regular pauses and are on variable terrain.
“Starter Walks last around 30 minutes and are on flat stable terrain with frequent pauses.”
As the walking groups are just operating a phased return, anyone interested should contact the organisers for further information; Natalie Parker, walk coordinator 07917 599964;; Louise Gale on 07342 066608;;