SCALLYWAGS Mother & Toddler Group is now under new leadership.
Previous leader and organiser Margaret Morris has recently retired after many years of service.
Bethan Knight and Zoe Hill, who attend the group and have now taken over said, “We love Scallywags and didn’t want it to close so we decided to take over from Margaret.
“This isn’t a spur of the moment decision, we were thinking of starting our own group anyway but when we heard that Scallywags would close if no-one could take on the responsibility, we decided there and then to say yes.
“We are really excited for this opportunity and plan to keep the group as same as usual for the time being. However we do plan to organise more fundraising activities. In order to hire the hall it costs £1,000 a year, so all money raised will go towards that.
“During the bad weather the shed where all the toys are stored was destroyed so we would also like to raise enough to build a new shed too.
“Our first event will hopefully be in May when we will hold a baby clothes sale.”