White Horse team ministry churches say they were privileged to witness the ordination of team curate, Revd Melanie Otto, in a beautiful service held in Salisbury cathedral.
Sue Stanley reports, “Under the magnificent display of handmade doves, Michael Pendry’s installation – ‘Les Colombes’ – the seats were filled with family and supporters of the 12 curates being ordained. It was a service filled with many moving moments that will stay in memories for a long time.
“The weekend of ordination continued on Sunday 1st July, in Westbury. Newly-ordained priest, Revd Melanie Otto, presided over her first service of Holy Communion. The preacher was Revd Paul Burden, one of Melanie’s tutors from Sarum College.
“The whole service was inspiring in content, mission and joy. Team rector, Revd Rhona Floate, presented Melanie with a gift, a collection from the congregations of all the churches in the team.
“Also a special, and impressive, cake, made by Sharon Jones, was very well received! Sharon not only decorated the cake with the images from Melanie’s stole, but also modelled Melanie in icing! Complete with hairclip!”