Wiltshire Council is reminding residents and business to have their say in a comprehensive review of car parking across the county.
So far more than 2,500 responses have been submitted by the public as part of a consultation about the council’s car parking policy. The outcome could see a move away from the current charging for parking based on four bands, to options based on individual car parks or town assessments.
These options will use factors such as usage of car parks, location, as well as looking at the wider economic and environmental issues. This approach gives the council greater ability to manage car parking demand and supply.
The review will also consider a number of charging options, including first hour free parking, free after 4.00pm, Sunday charges, or evening charges as tools to enhance local communities’ ability to use their local services.
The deadline for public consultation is Monday 19th January.
John Thomson, deputy leader and cabinet member responsible for sustainable transport said, “Our review and public consultation into the future of car parking is about striking the right balance between encouraging people to shop and work locally, the cost of running car parks, and the environmental impact.
“No decisions have been made, and none will be made until the results of the consultation are in and analysed, which is why it is vitally important that we get as much feedback as possible from people, local business and organisations.
“While 19th January may seem like a long way off, it’s only a few weeks away and we’ll very quickly be in the Christmas and New Year period. It’s important that nobody misses out on the chance to have their say.”
All documentation about the car parking review is available to see at consult.wiltshire.gov.uk/portal.