YEAR 4 children at Westbury Junior School had a wonderful WWII day as part of their topic work.
Organised by the Year 4 teachers with the help of some volunteers and parents, the children had the opportunity to look at a range of vehicles from WWII including an American jeep, a British jeep and a gun carrier.
The children had the chance to handle artefacts from the war including gas masks, ration books, bomb shells and uniforms. In addition, they saw and heard a real air raid siren and asked questions to a Mr and Mrs Wynn about what it was like growing up in the war and what it was really like to have to go into an Anderson shelter.
At lunchtime, the children had a real ration experience with spam, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, apple and a slither of Victoria sponge that they made up themselves.
Throughout the day, all the children were taught how to jive by one of the parents and they then listened to some swing music played on an old gramophone player.
The children had a wonderful time and gained a great empathy into life during the war.