THE future of the Friday night Youth Café at Westbury Parish Hall has been secured for the year ahead after two grants were received from Westbury Town Council and the Wiltshire Community Foundation.
The Youth Café started in January this year in response to anti-social behaviour around the church and churchyard. It aims to provide a safe space for young people to meet together and the café is open to all.
Organisers say, “The new grants from Westbury Town Council and the Wiltshire Community Foundation will ensure the Youth Café can continue into 2024! The café has also benefitted from grants from the Aldhelm Mission Fund, Wiltshire Council, Westbury Rotary Club, Westbury Lions and Westbury Area Churches Together. It has also been supported with donations from the Morrisons Community Champion, individual donors and the Westbury Community Fridge.
“The Friday night sessions offer an opportunity for young people to wind down after the busy week, meet friends or make new ones, listen to music and play games. There are always free snacks on offer. In October the sessions will include their popular pizza making night (6th October), games night with table football (13th October), making Halloween decorations (20th October) and pumpkin carving and hot dogs on 27th October.
“This term there is a new 4Youth team with Emma and Hannah. The same team also carry out detached youth work across Westbury on Tuesday evenings. Look out for them as they meet young people where they are around the town. The 4Youth team also supported the graffiti project at Penleigh Park and the Countryville event in aid of Westbury Youth Club over the summer.”
The Youth Café is a partnership between All Saints’ Church and 4Youth (SouthWest). The sessions take place from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and are open to all young people in Westbury aged 11 to 19 years. Thanks to the grants it has received, the Youth Café is free. Westbury Parish Hall can be found just off Edward Street on Church Lane.
The Youth Café sessions are supported by volunteers. If you would like to consider volunteering please contact Beth on 07790 870 247.