WESTBURY MP Dr. Andrew Murrison will chairing a public forum alongside colleagues from the Conservative Party in Bratton later this month.
The debate will be at Bratton Jubilee Hall and will run from 7.00pm on Friday 28th November. Dr Murrison will be joined by Police Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire, Angus Macpherson, Euan Geddes, Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords, and local councillor Jerry Wickham.
The forum is open to everyone regardless of political affiliation; tickets are £7.50 each and include a ploughman’s supper.
South West Wiltshire Conservative Association spokeswoman Penny Fairclough said, “We have held similar events in the past which proved very popular. One in 2009 was with now-retired MP Michael Ancram, as well as a question evening with Andrew and one of our MEPs, Julie Girling. At approximately 7.45pm questions from the floor – submitted either previously or on arrival – are put to the panel chaired by Andrew Murrison MP. The panel will endeavour to answer these and engage the questioners in discussion. A lively debate is hoped for!”
For further information contact Penny on 01380 830123.