The RSPB is asking local residents to take part in its annual Big Garden Birdwatch weekend, which takes place on the 24, 25, and 26 January.
Now in its 46th year, the Big Garden Birdwatch is the largest garden wildlife survey in the world. In 2024 over 600,000 people took part across the UK, counting more than 9.7 million birds.
People are asked to spend an hour watching and counting the birds in their garden or local park and then send their results to the RSPB.
“Thanks to residents across the UK, the RSPB can use the data you gather across the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend, to create a vital snapshot of our garden birds throughout the country,” says the RSPB. “Our science experts can then highlight the winners and the losers in the garden bird world.
“The blue tit and great tit, much-loved garden species, have seen their average numbers rise by 24% and 61% respectively since the survey began. But sadly, while species like the starling is currently at number two in the Big Garden Birdwatch charts, its numbers have dropped by more than 80% since 1979.
“By registering now to take part in January’s Big Garden Birdwatch you can help us better target our conservation efforts and advice to the public, towards those species which are really in need of our support.”
Beccy Speight, the RSPB’s chief executive, added: “At its heart, Big Garden Birdwatch is an opportunity for people to spend an hour watching, enjoying, and connecting with the wildlife on their doorstep. From chirpy house sparrows to acrobatic blue tits, the entertaining antics of our garden birds can brighten even the dullest day and bring a welcome dose of nature into our everyday lives.
“By taking part in the Birdwatch, you and hundreds of thousands of other nature lovers across the UK, play an important role in helping us understand how garden birds are doing. With the nature and climate emergency threatening even our most familiar birds, every count matters. It’s good for wildlife and evidence shows it’s good for our own wellbeing.
“Whether you live in a town or the countryside, anyone, anywhere can take part in Big Garden Birdwatch – even if you don’t have a garden! All you need is an hour to spend watching the birds in your local green space. When we come together for nature, we can do great things. Join us for Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 and together let’s take action to help birds and other wildlife thrive for generations to come.”
Top five birds spotted UK wide in the 2024 Big Garden Birdwatch were house sparrow, starling, blue tit, woodpigeon and blackbird.
To register, visit