WESTBURY’S new musical group – One Voice Community Choir – made a great start in January and is now meeting regularly. The group of enthusiastic singers is learning songs popularised by Abba, The Beatles, Carpenters and many others.
The class meets on Mondays at 7.30pm at the Baptist Church, West End. Anyone who loves to sing is encouraged to join – there are no auditions and nothing to lose but your inhibitions. “It’s fun, friendly and feel-good!” said organiser Lee Ingram.
“The One Voice group of choirs was formed in 2013 and has several classes running each week. I felt at the time that there were not enough openings for people who loved to sing but couldn’t read music. We use songs sheets and learn melodies and harmony lines by ear. There are popular songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s, tunes from musicals and films and uplifting melodies that are mostly uncomplicated and light-hearted.”
Contact Lee on 07766 244321 and visit onevoicechoir.co.uk