Students from Matravers School in Westbury will be performing ‘Fame’ on Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th February.
The students are proud to present the musical that inspired new generations to don leg-warmers and leotards, leap atop taxis and “light up the sky like a flame”!
This eternally stirring story reveals to the audience the lives of the kids from New York’s School for the Performing Arts.
Through the performance the audience will follow the downfall of the talented Carmen Diaz as she struggles with her own identity in the demanding world of show business. The Matravers School production will feature a number of rip-roaring dance routines and pitch-perfect ballads, including the smash hit title song.
The performance will be taking place at Matravers School at 7.00pm on Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th February. Audiences can purchase their tickets from the school reception; these will cost £5 for adults and £3 for children and concessions. There will be a £1 discount on tickets for the first night. Tickets will also be available on the door but are likely to sell out in advance of the performance, so the school advises to ‘get them quick’!
Dr Riding, headteacher at Matravers School commented, “This is going to be our best production to date. Hundreds of students have been involved both on and off stage demonstrating their amazing creativity.”