BRATTON Jubilee Hall’s second Supper Night of 2018, will take place on Friday 16th March.
Organisers say, “Come and join us for a three-course meal plus tea or coffee for a maximum price of £8.50. Friendly service and a warm atmosphere guaranteed.
“On Monday 19th March we will be holding the 2018 Jubilee Hall AGM. If you use, have used, are thinking of using or just want to have a look around the Jubilee Hall, please come and join us at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Hear about our successes from last year and our plans for the future, help us to select a new committee, put your own views and questions to the committee, then join us for cheese and wine afterwards. Everyone is welcome.
“We are always looking for eager, willing volunteers to join our committee and bring new ideas to the table for events etc. to help keep the hall a vibrant community centre for the village.
“On Saturday 24th March the Jubilee Hall is holding a Spring Ball. We have booked a swing band, The FSC Big Band and a supporting band, the White Horses, for dancing and entertainment and will be serving a delicious fork buffet. There will be a limited bar on the night. Doors open at 7.00pm and the ticket price is £15 per head. So come and dance the night away and help the Jubilee Hall committee celebrate the 50th anniversary since the first committee was formed and the hall gained its charitable entity status. Yes it’s the Golden Jubilee of the Jubilee Hall’s committees and we want to celebrate at this Spring Ball and want you to celebrate with us.
“This will be a black tie event so get your “glad rags” dusted off and come and celebrate with us. If anyone wants to wear a 1940s-themed costume we will be very glad to see you and we will be offering a prize for the best costumes, male and female, of the evening. Entry will be by pre-booked ticket only, on a first-come first-served basis, so please contact Val Witcomb on 01380 830297, email val or Ken Davis on 07792 533357, e-mail daviskj101 or any member of the Jubilee Hall committee.
“The Jubilee Hall in Bratton is a large modern village hall which can accommodate over 80 people seated for meals or for events. There is a fully equipped kitchen and a bar area and a stage which can be used for plays, a disco or a band. The ceiling in the main part of the hall is high enough to erect an inflatable bouncy castle for children’s parties. For smaller events, the top end of the hall can be easily partitioned off and used separately.”
For more information please see the website at The hall is available for single event bookings or weekly/monthly multiple events. Anyone wishing to book the Jubilee Hall please contact Val Witcomb on 01380 830297 or email val