Westbury Town Council is pushing ahead with its plans to brighten up the town.
Two giant new banners will be going up in the town centre in the near future welcoming people to the High Street.
“The banners started life as an idea to install more flags around the town but we felt more impact could be achieved if we spent the approved budget on two banners, one for each end of the High Street,” said Ben Griffiths, Westbury Town Council’s engagement officer.
“The banners will add colour and vibrancy to the town and sit well alongside our other projects to brighten up the town centre like the planters, provided by the town council, which are full of colour, and now the new mural at the BT telephone exchange that had long been an eyesore.
“The money for the banners has come from Wiltshire Council’s Towns Programme Grant, created to help rejuvenate town centres in the county.
“This is part of Westbury’s Town Council’s commitment to making Westbury a brighter place to be. There is more to come with information boards to highlight the town’s rich history and the launch of the Explore Wiltshire app that will include Westbury and offer trails, hunts and showcase our events.”