EXCAVATION of an ‘unusual’ Late Bronze Age settlement in Westbury, discovered on the site of a planned new housing estate, has revealed ‘spectacular’ archaeology which showed that the site had been used by communities for thousands of years.

The team at Wessex Archaeology (WA) discovered the settlement in Bitham Park, Westbury when they were commissioned by RPS Consulting on behalf of David Wilson Homes to undertake a large-scale excavation of the area as part of the planning process.
Evidence from the Bronze Age was particularly rich, with archaeologists uncovering a field system, ring ditch and a unique ‘palisaded’ (defensive wall) around a central roadhouse. Wessex Archaeology has listed the exciting discoveries.
Late Bronze Age: A unique palisaded site
WA say, “The most notable results of the excavation were from the Late Bronze Age, during which a series of concentric ‘palisades’ (a fence or defensive wall) were constructed around a centrally located roundhouse.
“Their form and structure are very unusual and raise some interesting questions for our experts: what was the status and function of the site? Was it used for domestic occupation, or some other, less commonplace role?
“The remains of this settlement suggests that there was a small community – such as an extended family group – occupying the site, and that they did so over a longer period of time and to a greater intensity than at the neighbouring palisaded site.”
“We know that the construction of the palisades was not random; the innermost palisade is circular, mirroring the form of the roundhouse and suggesting that they may have had some sort of symbolic relationship. The outer palisades were open-ended, semi-elliptical in plan and enclosed a larger area.
“Approximately 80m north of the roundhouse, we also uncovered the remains of at least two roundhouses and several small square and rectangular structures built using posts. Several pits, postholes and wells were also associated with the area of occupation.”
Early/Middle Bronze Age: Ring ditch
Experts at Wessex Archaeology also found evidence of a small ring ditch which contained 45 sherds of Late Bronze Age prehistoric pottery, small quantities of struck flint, animal bone and burnt flint.
“While the date of the ring ditch could not be conclusively determined, its form and possible associations with the field system suggest that it was probably of Early or Middle Bronze Age date.”
The Romano-British landscape
According to WA, the site appears to have remained uninhabited after the abandonment of the Late Bronze Age palisaded site and northern settlement.
WA say, “The site was used largely for agricultural purposes, but we found some evidence of reorganisation in the landscape: during the Romano-British period, for example, a series of trackways were laid out across the site.”
Liz Argent, Secretary for Westbury Heritage Society said, “We are thrilled to hear about this significant addition to our understanding of the history of the Westbury area. It ties in with previous Bronze Age finds including pottery, flint tools and the midden found on Bratton Road, which suggested there could be a settlement nearby.
“We look forward to finding out more. We have always thought that Westbury is a great place to live and it seems our Bronze Age ancestors thought so too!”
Reconstructing a Bronze Age Roundhouse
Wessex Archaeology has a team of in-house professional artists who specialise in creating both interactive digital and analogue heritage interpretations.
Jono Sutton, a 3D Environment Artist at Wessex Archaeology, created a 3D reconstruction, which brings to life one of the Bronze Age roundhouses found at the site. Using real-life archaeological evidence and in close consultation with WA experts, Jono has sensitively visualised what the house would have looked like within its original landscape.