A NEW military show is scheduled for the summer and organisers are planning for the spectacular!
The White Horse Military Show will have a variety of displays from different time periods from WW1 right up to the Gulf War and organisers are hoping to make the event one to remember, with the possibility of a Battle of Britain memorial flight fly past.
The event will be held on the 20th and 21st August at The Hollow, Bratton, on the B3098 between Westbury and Bratton. Price of admission is £5 per adult and no booking is required (under 18s’ entry is free).
The show is being funded by the organiser, Richard Dalton, who is hoping his background in film and television set designs will help him put on a spectacular show for military enthusiasts in Wiltshire. All money made will go back into the show.
Richard said, “As both the Lacock at War and Bratton at War shows are no longer running, I felt Wiltshire is lacking a show to celebrate and remember the armed forces past and present. As Wiltshire has such a strong presence of armed forces, I felt it was the perfect place for the event.
“My aim is to create a friendly, good quality non-commercial show for Wiltshire, to celebrate the armed forces and remind the public of the military history in the county.
“It’s a show put on by military and vintage enthusiasts for military and vintage enthusiasts. I have been so surprised at the response I have had so far. It’s much larger than I thought I might be able to achieve in its first year.”
The show will be set out like an army camp, complete with watch towers and gate posts, with displays from WW1, WW2, Vietnam, the Cold War and the Gulf War. There will be a number of events to go alongside the displays, with over 20 living history groups, war reenactors, more than 50 military vehicles and a variety of stalls such as vintage wares and military kits for sale.
The main marquee will host 1940s-style singers, such as: Liberty Sisters, Dickie Lines, Blitz Time Sally, May Blossom, Vintage Songbird, Warminster Military Wives Choir and a dance floor. The second marquee will host a fashion show as well as competitions for best dressed and best display, history talks with a ‘special guest’ and there will be a movie matinee with a film from 1941. Organisers say there will be plenty of beer and a variety of food stands for people to enjoy.
“The gate guard restoration group will also be fixing a vehicle during the weekend”, Richard added. “As part of the show, we are going to put together a ‘women at war’ area which is dedicated to what the good ladies did during times of war and conflict. We are looking for more people to take part in this, so do please get involved.”
Richard, the production director for the White Horse Military Show, is also hoping to bring something very special to the event.
He said, “In fact, with my filming back ground I’m talking to some special effects friends about the possibility putting small explosions in the fields nearby as if bombs were dropping. We need to check if this is possible though. I love a bit of theatre.”
If you would like to get involved as a vendor then contact Richard on 07772 067994 or email onelifehihi @hotmail.co.uk
Visitors have been told to just turn up on the day and parking will be provided. Follow the show’s Facebook page to keep updated: https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100076981359106
Picture: One of the re-enactment groups which hopes to attend.