BRATTON Church Institute held a Big Coffee Morning last month and raised over £2,000 towards a new roof.
“There was a chance to ‘sponsor a tile’ where a personally signed certificate was issued, splat a rat, buy a lovely knitted cuddly toy or just have some lovely cake and a coffee,” said Joan Martin from the group.
“We also had a grand raffle, games and crafts.
“Our next event, to raise much needed funds for the new roof on our lovely Edwardian building, is a Christmas market on Saturday 26th from 10.30am to 3pm at the Bratton Church Institute, Tynings Lane, Bratton. We will have a great raffle, Christmas stall, real fresh coffee and bacon butties if you want a snack lunch.
“If anyone would like to sponsor a tile to please contact me at joanmartin147@gmail.com A certificate will be issued.”