WESTBURY Town Council will soon work with Wiltshire Council to develop a plan to improve the town centre and library area.
The plan will build on the town council’s current Vision for Westbury document and it will look at the current challenges facing the High Street and see what opportunities could be available to enhance the town. Westbury Town Council’s vision for Westbury is the blueprint for what the council will focus on over the coming years and includes a wide range of ideas and proposals which could transform the town.
Wiltshire Council is working in partnership with town councils around the county to develop projects that will attract more visitors to town centres. The projects look to create wider town centre visions that will bring a range of improvements, improving vibrancy and enhancing the local economy.
The project will start with a regeneration scheme in Westbury, where both Wiltshire Council and Westbury Town Council are developing a scheme for a future funding bid that will look to improve the town.
Cllr Mark Bailey, chair of the town council’s Vision for Westbury committee says, “Westbury Town Council is delighted to have been chosen by Wiltshire Council to work in partnership to develop a plan for improving the town centre and library area.
“This project is at a very early stage, but publication of the initial proposals are scheduled for April following on from workshops held with members of the council and local stakeholders.
“The plan will be a ‘Theory of Change’ for the town centre, looking at both the challenges and opportunities, to explore how the town centre can be regenerated and enhanced to take the town forward into the future.
“Once these proposals are in place, there will be a period of public consultation and any feedback will be considered before the final plans are confirmed, after which the town council will start to explore funding opportunities to bring them to realisation. This is a long-term intervention and could take several years to complete.”
Wiltshire Council says, “The Westbury bid will build upon the existing town centre vision and masterplan, developing and refining some of the emerging proposals with the aim of supporting a strong narrative and case for funding to improve the town. Then, when opportunities for funding become available, Wiltshire Council will be best-placed to submit a high-quality bid.”
Cllr Richard Clewer, leader of Wiltshire Council and cabinet member for economic development, said, “We know that there are many challenges facing our high streets and town centres, and that’s why we’re investing £1m a year across all 18 towns in the county through the Wiltshire Towns Programme.
“Our officers are working closely with town councils to create visions and projects for high streets that encourage people to visit, stay and ultimately spend money. High streets are changing, and we need to create a range of unique offers to make them more vibrant and give people different reasons to visit that aren’t solely focused on retail.
“In Westbury, in partnership with the town council, we are creating a plan that will be ready to bid for funding as soon as it becomes available. As part of our Business Plan, we’re committed to creating vibrant, well-connected communities, and the Wiltshire Towns Programme is at the heart of that.”
To find out more about the Wiltshire Towns Programme, people should email vibrant.wiltshire@wiltshire.gov.uk; or to find out more about Westbury Town Council’s town centre vision, people should go to: www.westburytowncouncil.gov.uk/wtc/vision-for-westbury/