THE Westbury and Warminster Youth Club held a film night to mark Christmas celebrations for members, and they even brought along a snow machine so the youngsters wouldn’t miss out on a white Christmas!
The Youth Club, which is hosted by the Westbury Community Project every Wednesday during term time, has a Christmas party each year – and this time round the members asked for a film night.
Beth Mullins, leader of the club said, “This year the members voted for Elf and what a success it was! The film night was sponsored by connected mortgages Wiltshire and we would like to say a huge thank you to Simon Dolbear. His sponsorship allowed us to show the film and to provide the members with soft drinks and popcorn. Members also enjoyed the sweets from winning the Westbury Christmas tree competition in All Saints Church.
“It was a team effort to put on the film, so thank you to our two paid members of staff, firstly Ria for bringing in the projector and Karen for bringing in her snow machine. Karen and Fred made it snow, which was so magical for our members after a tough year. It was nice to be able to give the young people of Westbury a Christmassy night. We would like to wish all the staff volunteers sponsors grant providers and members a happy new year!”
The next session will be held at the Westbury Community Project on Wednesday 5th January 6-7:30pm, £1 entry, open to 11–19-year-olds and up to 25 with learning disabilities.