AN hour’s free parking, improved traffic flow through the town and better cycle routes are amongst the transport issues to be discussed by the BA13+ Community Area Partnership’s steering group next week.
The group will be discussing transport in Westbury and in particular the key issues identified in the current Community Plan. These include: ways to encourage use of Public Transport; improving town traffic flow to encourage people to shop here; encouraging cycling for health and to reduce congestion by enhancing and increase availability of cycle routes in and around Westbury; encourage effective use of the Railway Station by improving links between station and Town and an hour’s free parking.
Another suggested priority for action is establishing whether the community would be interested in discussing the options for a by-pass.
The meeting will also be the partnership’s Annual General Meeting, and is to be held on Wednesday 19th August starting at 7pm at the Baptist Mission Chapel, Stormore, Dilton Marsh.
Guest speakers will include Lee Fletcher from the Trans Wilts CiC who will speak on public transport issues with a particular focus on bus services; Graham Ellis from the Community Rail Partnership who will share the secrets of the success of the improved rail services between Westbury and Swindon; and representatives from Westbury Wheelers cycle club
The BA13+ Partnership met last on Tuesday 2nd June when cllr Gordon King said that he was promoting the establishment of a wellbeing centre on the former hospital site.
The project would hopefully have the support of the STOP group, as well as town and Wiltshire councillors, the CAM, the BA13 Partnership, the White Horse Surgery and other key stakeholders.
Anyone interested in getting involved is invited to contact the BA13+ administrator at ba13plus@