WESTBURY’S Conservative Club has a diverse range of live music for visitors to enjoy this month!
Clapped Out – Friday 12th August. Rock covers band playing everything from Credence to the Pistols.
Wade Merritt – Saturday 20th August. Popular local boy Wade will be back to get people off their feet. Expect a whole host of original, acoustic songs, as well as a few covers chucked in for good measure.
People Like Us – Saturday 27th August. People Like Us (P.L.US) is an exciting Wiltshire-based semi-acoustic three, sometimes four-piece, taking on the greats such as Oasis, Adele, Metallica, Queen and many more.
All events have a starting time of 9pm but organisers have said to check in with the club closer to the time for confirmation. They can be reached on their Facebook page, https://www. facebook.com/westburyconservativeclub/ or by calling 01373 822 557.