A controversial policy by Matravers School to issue students wearing incorrect uniform with lanyards – a sign worn round their neck saying ‘wrong uniform’ – has divided opinion amongst parents and local people.
Parents expressed their anger on Facebook page Spotted Westbury whilst others defended the policy.
Michelle Ransome said, “The new head is simply trying to change the reputation of the school and smarten it up. I don’t really see what everyone’s issue is?!”
Kate Hicks replied, “Because he has resorted to harassment and bullying, this is NOT the way to smarten a school up.”
Debbie Goff agreed and felt that singling out children in this way is wrong. She said, “The uniform was not the issue it was how it had been dealt with i.e. putting a lanyard around a child’s neck forcing them to wear a sign that says ‘I am wearing the wrong uniform’. They also have one for ‘I was late’! I have supported Matravers on the uniform issue but this whole situation of singling out any child for whatever reason is disgusting. Any lanyards with ‘I am wearing the correct uniform’ and ‘I was early’ being handed out?”
Shauna Jacqueline Anderson agreed saying, “I feel very strongly against bullying, so to go to a school where you not only have to worry about the other pupils, but the Head teacher as well. That’s just not on.”
However, Michelle Maggs didn’t see the policy as a negative thing. She said, “Matravers are trying to improve the reputation of the school, instal a sense of pride and respect. I know a few children that have started this term and so far they are really enjoying their time at Matravers and talk about their school with a sense of pride.”
Joan Warden said, “Maybe you should just let those that have children at the school make up their own minds as to what needs to be done.”
Shann Cooper Morgan felt that the lanyards policy stops a pupil being reprimanded for having incorrect uniform more than once. She said, “At least the lanyard lets other staff members know that this issue is being dealt with.”
Matravers said they had no comment to make to White Horse News about the issue.