There are currently three vacancies for governors to serve on the governing body of Matravers School – for one parent governor and two partnership governors.
Guy Davies, Chair of the Governing Body, would like to invite people from the local community who may be able to bring valuable skills to the school, to consider putting themselves forward for the partnership vacancies.
Parent governors should be parents or carers of a student currently registered at Matravers. The school would especially welcome candidates with a background relevant to the school’s PSHE curriculum, school finance or business planning/development. Some experience of governance would be an advantage, but training will be given.
To find out more about being a governor at Matravers school, please refer to the further information provided on the school’s website. Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the clerk, Jessica Yeatman, who will be happy to arrange for an existing governor to talk to you. She can be emailed at Jessica.yeatman@google, or you can leave a message at the school.
If you would like to put yourself forward as a candidate, please complete and return the official form PG2 by Monday 13th January 2014. These are available on the Matravers website, www.matravers.wilts., or can be obtained from the school’s reception desk.