THE grandson of a professional boxer is planning to open a boxing gym in his memory, but needs the help of local businesses.
Jeff Smith, who is also a boxer, wants to open a boxing gym in Westbury, for men, women and children of all ages, in memory of his grandfather Bernard Foster.
Bernard was a professional boxer who competed for Great Britain in the 1952 Olympics. Known as “One Round Foster,” Bernard was an ABA Light Middleweight champion, Golden Gloves champion, GB Olympic representative and British Army Egypt champion. His career came to an end after a broken hand refused to heal properly.
To start the journey, Jeff is planning to raise £30,000 and is asking for the help from local businesses with sponsorship, materials or manpower.
Jeff said, “I would like this to be a place where everyone can train in the noble art of boxing, but also offer other fitness classes to cater for everyone’s needs.
“The gym would be a place where people that need help, not just in training but with everyday problems, can come and talk to others and hopefully as one big family, we can help them overcome those problems.
“In the future I would be looking to hold events against other gyms up and down the country. Also, there is a famous boxing gym in Westbury New York, which I am looking into, to see if we can in the future visit and have training sessions and matches against them.
“Boxing is a dedication – not something you can play at, training is hard work and like so many things the more you put in, the more you get out of it. We will be here to help everyone achieve their goals, and help keep them on the right track to succeed.
“What I am hoping for is for local business men and women to help raise the £30,000 it is going to cost to get this gym up and running. If local building businesses would be willing to help out by way of donating materials and help with man power to get the unit fit for purpose, this would be great. Ideally, I would like to get things started this side of Christmas so to open in the new year, and I am looking at units on the West Wiltshire Trading Estate.
“If you would like to help us, please think of it as a community project and you will be recognised as a supporter. If you are interested in helping out in any way, or you are interested in joining the gym, please get in touch on jeffsmith1066”