ONE of the highlights of the Edington Arts concert season is making a very welcome return on Saturday 4th December at 7.30pm in Edington Priory Church. The hugely popular Advent concert will be given by the choir of Keble College Oxford, Paul Brough conducting.
Organisers say, “The Keble College choir last sang for us in 2018, when Matthew Martin conducted. By the time he moved to Cambridge in 2019, his choir had become one of the best of the elite group of Oxford and Cambridge College choirs. Paul Brough, who took over, is one of the leading choral directors in the UK, and a great friend of Edington through the festival. Having negotiated their way through a year of rehearsal and tuition by Zoom, the singers are overjoyed to be back singing ‘live’, and we can be sure that they will give us a memorable evening of Advent and Christmas music – just what we need after last year’s cancellations.
“Demand for this concert is already brisk, and Edington Arts is encouraging anyone who would like to come to reserve seats for themselves, friends and family as soon as possible. Tickets remain at £20/15/10, with 18 and under free, and Edington Angels have their usual 10% discount.
“For this concert, the north and south aisle seats (£10), will be unreserved and audience members may sit where they like within these areas; all other areas will be reserved and seats allocated. Anyone wishing for socially distanced seating should please let Chrissy know as soon as possible on 01380 831256 or Sue at when you book your tickets.
“And unless things go very wrong between now and then, we intend offering mulled wine and mince pies during the interval. Let the festivities begin!”