WESTBURY Town Council is one step closer to achieving its plan of redeveloping the High-Street rotunda, following comments from residents.
The town council plan to remove the brick centre of the rotunda to make more space for residents and open up the area for potential future performance artists.
The rotunda alterations were included in Westbury Town Council’s own ambitious Vision for Westbury document, which is designed to regenerate the town centre.
A statement from the town council says, “The rotunda space is currently under-used and can be a focal point for anyone who wishes to remain hidden from view.
“The town council has listened to comments received from the public and wants to redevelop the rotunda to make it a safer, more welcoming and friendly space. As part of the Vision for Westbury it will provide a link between the High Street and the Library, and also offer an area for people and groups to gather and will create a small space for performance artists.
“The Town Council has been successfully short-listed for funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as part of the Neighbourhood Plan. Subject to this grant funding becoming available, it is proposed to remodel the centre of the Rotunda, removing the existing benches and planters, lowering the floor to the level of the High Street and giving better access to the main area and creating a multi-use space.
“A continuous bench type seat can then be constructed around the inside perimeter wall so that an audience could be seated comfortably with good visibility from any position within the rotunda. Additional low-level lighting will complement the refurbished existing lighting columns making the space safer to use at night.”