The final draft of the campus plans for Westbury will be presented at a meeting of Westbury Area Board in December, before they are submitted to Wiltshire Council.
Westbury Community Campus Team will soon be submitting the fruits of their labour following a consultation that began three years ago. The Westbury Area Board meeting on Thursday 11th December will be the final opportunity to see the plans before they are submitted to the county council for review.
The swimming pool, library, and Leighton Recreation Centre are expected to be involved in the proposal, which has been created by a team of local people.
Cllr David Jenkins, who is the team’s area board representative said, “We’re really excited to see the final project come together. It’s something the campus team have been working on for 18 months, and it’s time to hand over to the cabinet.
“We’re looking forward to the meeting, and hope a lot of people will come along to see the plans. Westbury’s campus consultation had a bigger response than any other in Wiltshire; it’s very encouraging to see so many people getting involved. We hope they will be happy with the proposal.”
The meeting is open to the public and will involve a presentation of the team’s plans, as well as an open discussion. If the proposal is approved by the area board, it will be forwarded to the Wiltshire Council Cabinet to finalise plans.
The area board meeting will be at 7.00pm on Thursday 11th December at the Laverton. For more information contact area board manager Sally Hendry on 01225 718627.