WESTBURY town councillor, Jane Russ, has been voted in as the town council’s representative on the West Wiltshire/Elblag Twinning Association.
At a recent council meeting, members heard that the association, which was set up in 2000 between West Wiltshire District Council and the city of Elblag in north-east Poland, was seeking to appoint a council representative.
Cllr Mike Sutton said, “Having been a representative in previous incarnations, the association only meets about four times a year – it’s nothing onerous. It organises social events and things like that. Elblag is on the Polish/Russian border.”
Cllr Jane Russ volunteered for the role saying, “My father was Polish, so I think I ought to step up to the plate.”
Councillors voted in favour of cllr Russ being made the town council’s representative.
Explaining the background of the association to White Horse News, West Wilts/Elblag Twinning Association secretary, Angela Millroy said, “Over the years, Westbury people have met residents of Elblag on many occasions. We were planning for reciprocal visits last year as it was our 20th anniversary, so are hoping to reinstate links as soon as possible.
“We look forward to welcoming cllr Russ to our meetings once regulations permit.”
“The West Wiltshire/Elblag Association is unusual if not unique. The standard twinning model is of local twinning groups who run their affairs and encourage meetings between people of the (usually) two towns.
“The twinning was set up in 2000 between West Wiltshire District Council and the city of Elblag in north-east Poland. On the demise of the district council in 2009, the five towns of West Wiltshire agreed to continue to support the twinning.
“The mayors of the five towns of West Wiltshire become president of the Twinning Association in rotation. The chair and committee are elected from the members annually. Each town has a representative appointed by the town councils.”