WESTBURY Town Council has objected to the proposed plans to build a new Lidl foodstore at Bitham Park, branding them an ‘eyesore.’
Following a public consultation in June, the original plans for the store were amended. However, Westbury Town Council says that the new plans have changed ‘dramatically’ and have expressed their concerns that the proposed building has increased in size.
“At the October Highways, Planning and Development Committee meeting on 16th October, Westbury Town Council objected to the amended plans, as there appeared to be an increase in the foot print size of the building, which now looks out of scale,” says the council.
“With this being the gateway entrance to Westbury, the proposed building will be an eyesore, especially with the removal of some trees already from the site and the number of trees that are still to be removed. The current and previous planting gave shielding to the existing building.
“They were also displeased that the requested shielding for Kingfisher Drive residents does not appear to be included in the plans. Overall, Westbury Town Council are extremely disappointed by the amended plans. For Lidl to hold a public consultation and then change the plans so dramatically the Town Council consider this tantamount to dishonesty.”
In response to the objections a Lidl spokesperson said, “We continue to work closely with Wiltshire Council on our plans to bring a new Lidl store to Westbury. It is our strong belief that a new store will be of huge benefit to the community and we look forward to receiving a decision in due course.”
The proposed development comprises the demolition of the existing former Co-op foodstore building and its replacement with a new Lidl neighbourhood foodstore, together with associated car parking, servicing and landscaping.
For more information search planning application 17/05014/FUL at www.wiltshire.gov.uk