‘A LOVELY hum of friendship and chatting’ brightened up dreadful weather on the Westbury & District u3a open day, celebrating the group’s belated 10-year anniversary and supporting the national u3a open day, also delayed by Covid restrictions.
Town mayor, cllr Sheila Kimmins, opened the event and spent time talking with all the stall holders and members of the community while town crier, John Hadfield, did a grand job of advertising the event in the High Street.
Westbury u3a spokesperson, Chris Crosby, said, “Despite dreadful weather the event was well attended and there was a lovely hum of friendship and chatting in the Paragon Hall, Westbury, accompanied by the beautiful clarinet and keyboard music which two members of Wiltshire Rural Music provided, accompanied by the sound of heavy rain!
“The free refreshments all provided by members of the u3a went down very well, though there were enough cakes left over to auction off at the end of the event!
We were honoured to welcome Mrs Carolyn Los and Mrs Jenny Ashen, the branch’s very first members, who came along to support us.
“Our aim of engaging with other local agencies who support older people in the community was certainly achieved and we were delighted with the very positive feedback from those attending.”
The next monthly meeting (and the first since before lockdown) will be held on Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 2pm at the United Reformed Church Hall via The Butts, Westbury. Entry is £2, includes refreshments and will feature a talk by former Wiltshire chief fire officer, John Craig – ‘Going to Blazes’
For details of monthly meetings, check out the website: https://u3asites. org.uk/ westbury/groups
Chris said, “We look forward to meeting people and hope to gain some new members, as we are one of the smallest u3a branches in the UK!
“There is absolutely no pressure to join our membership though; just come along to enjoy the company and what promises to be an interesting talk! We look forward to welcoming you.”