WILTSHIRE Council is highlighting the services and support that are in place to help protect the most vulnerable during the winter period.
During the winter months the demand for council community-based services increases and the Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care Winter Plan 2013-14, which was implemented in November 2013, outlines the strategy which is meeting the increased challenges during this period.
Working closely with the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the acute hospitals covering Wiltshire, the council has a number of initiatives to help with this including the additional specialist care home beds, additional short-term night care, increased weekend cover, additional social work capacity and the offer of an urgent single point of access to care.
Keith Humphries, Wiltshire Council cabinet member for adult care said, “This plan plays a key role in protecting those people in our county who are most vulnerable, which is one of our top priorities. Winter is a challenging time for our services but by working closely with our partners we can help people get the services they need.”
The winter plan report was presented to council leaders at a cabinet meeting held on 21st January.
Wiltshire Council is also supporting a charity which gives out grants of up to £200 to residents who spend significant amounts on heating their homes.
The Surviving Winter Fund is administered by the Community Foundation and provides grants for older people who spend on average 10% of their income on fuel during the cold winter months. Wiltshire Council’s contribution to the fund will go to Wiltshire residents who can apply for up to £200 to heat their homes in the cold weather.
In addition, the council is funding a free advice service which reminds people of practical things they can do to keep heat in their homes.
People can ask about the grants at Age UK and Citizens Advice Bureau offices or find further information at www. wscf.org.uk/grants-com munityfoundationgrantsur vivingwinter.asp
People can contact Warm and Well by phone on 0800 500 30 76, by texting WARM to 83010 or visiting www.warmandwell.co.uk/warm-and-well.html