A public consultation event will be held into proposals for a new housing development in Westbury consisting of an extra 300 homes near Bitham Park, beneath Westbury’s iconic White Horse.
The new consultation, which will be held on Friday 13th June, will outline proposals by developers Robert Hitchins Ltd to build 300 homes to extend the town north of Bitham Park on an 11-hectare site (27.5 acres) east of the A350.
The company’s planning consultants AMEC are seeking feedback from local residents before they submit an outline application to Wiltshire Council.
The consultation takes place at the Laverton Hall, Bratton Road, Westbury from 1.00pm until 9.00pm. Members of the project team will be on hand to answer questions and to listen to any concerns.
Plans for the 300 homes come after outline planning permission was given in March for another 220 homes for the site off The Mead near the A350 Trowbridge Road.
Westbury Mayor, cllr Christine Mitchell said, “I have been approached by local people voicing their concerns over the increase in housing in and around Westbury, as there doesn’t seem to be any increase in businesses and employment or any plans to improve our town/shopping centre in the foreseeable future.”
Town and Wiltshire councillor Russell Hawker said, “There would be positives and negatives for Westbury. No doubt shops and other businesses might benefit from a bit more trade, but there would be more pressure on the road system and other infrastructure around Westbury.
“If the development goes ahead, I would want to see the roundabout included as an essential part of the scheme, not least because it would ensure that the existing roundabout by Co-op does not get too busy or too much traffic approaching at speed from the Trowbridge direction.”
A spokesperson for Robert Hitchins Ltd said, “We hope as many people as possible will attend. Their views will be invaluable as we take our planning application forward.
“The development would include some affordable homes. Access would be from a new roundabout on the A350 Trowbridge Road, along with an emergency exit from the Coach Road.
“There would also be contributions towards schooling, new playing pitches and sustainable transport measures.
“It is widely accepted that there is a desperate shortage of homes in the UK, and in Wiltshire the council does not have the five-year supply of land which the Government demands.
“That’s why the authority has been asked by the Inspector of its core strategy to find space for a further 5,000 homes.
“This development would bring much-needed, good-quality homes to meet local demand in accordance with the independently-assessed housing needs. It would also help Wiltshire Council meet its housing requirements for the area in the next five to ten years.”
The project team addressed a meeting of Westbury Town Council on Monday 19th May. An outline planning application is due to be submitted on behalf of Gloucestershire-based Robert Hitchins Ltd to Wiltshire Council in July.