WESTBURY Town Council is once again offering grants to voluntary organisations and similar bodies who make the town a better place to live.
Applications must be returned no later than Friday 30th June. A review of applications will take place during August for approval by the town council in September. The annual grants awards evening will take place at the Laverton in October.
A council spokesperson said, “The town council aims to promote a healthy and cohesive community by using its grant aid scheme to provide financial support for community groups working for the benefit of residents of Westbury. The town council recognises and supports the valuable contribution made by the voluntary and ‘not for profit’ sector to the well-being of our community.
“Hopefully we will be having an opportunity to thank you in person at the grants awards evening for all that you do for our community.”
Application forms and copies of the council’s current grant aid policy can be found on their website: www.westburytowncouncil.gov.uk/dept/grants/
Application forms can also be obtained by emailing the council’s grants officer at grants@westburytowncouncil.gov.uk or calling 01373 822232.