THIS week marks the start of our Christmas focus to help keep you safe over the festive period.
Operation Elf is about to be rolled out, whereby we will be on uniformed and plain clothes patrols in the town centres keeping shoplifters and pickpockets at bay! To help keep you, the presents, your property – even the turkey safe, we have some top tips to help you have a very merry Christmas.
• When out shopping, keep your purse and handbag with you; don’t leave it in your trolley or unattended.
• Keep any cash you may have on you to a minimum.
• Mobile phones and wallets in back pockets are a target – keep secure and out of sight.
• Be careful at cash machines and when paying by card – shield your PIN at all times.
We all know how it feels to be dashing between the shops and your car, juggling rolls of wrapping paper. But so do the thieves.
• Don’t leave Christmas presents or valuables like laptops, mobile phones, handbags, credit cards or cheque books in your car. If unavoidable – put them in the boot and ensure equipment is completely switched off.
• Remove Satnavs, clean away suction marks on windows and make sure car doors, windows and sunroofs are all properly closed and locked.
• Leave absolutely nothing on show – you may know that there is no wallet in your jacket, but a thief will break a window just to check.
• If you own a van, remove tools overnight and display an appropriate sign in the rear window making this clear.
Lastly, this is a busy time of year for everybody. Us included. If you need the police you can call us anytime – we don’t have time off over Christmas! But please make sure you call the right number appropriately. If it is a non-emergency consider calling 101 or report online at if it is an emergency call 999.