DISCUSSIONS about a bypass for Westbury will form part of the next meeting of the Westbury Area Board on Thursday 19th April, at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at The Laverton.
Cllr Russell Hawker is calling on the area board to ask relevant stakeholders to restart discussions for a bypass.Also on the agenda is Wiltshire’s Air Quality Action Plan, which details actions Wiltshire Council will undertake to improve air quality. An update on the plan will be delivered, while a group to address air quality in Westbury, with particular reference to Haynes Road, is to be formed. The cabinet member in attendance will be Jane Scott, leader of Wiltshire Council, who will receive a Westbury petition signed by 3,500 people, which challenges Wiltshire Council’s car parking policy. A presentation on proposed changes to recycling in the area will be made to the board, as will a presentation on changes to the fire service. In January, around 100 people from across the community attended the ‘Westbury Forward’ event. The event was held to address the findings of the Joint Strategic Assesment (JSA) for the area, and gave people the opportunity to discuss and debate how the area can move forward. Ideas suggested included encouraging healthy lifestyles, fighting an out-of-town campus, addressing car parking charges, and creating an Area of Natural Beauty. Following this event, the BA13+ Community Area Partnership will deliver an update to the meeting. Ahead of the Diamond Jubilee, the area board will also consider several grant applications for celebrations in the area. A full agenda is available online at www.wiltshire.gov.uk