THREE options for a campus development will be presented to the town this Thursday, 15th August.
People in the Westbury area are to get a chance to have their say on a campus, which could include everything from leisure facilities and a cafe, to a library and facilities for the young and old.
The consultation into three possible options for the shape of the new campus will be launched at the Westbury Area Board meeting on Thursday 15th August – and everyone is invited to come along, find out more, ask questions and have their say.
Local people in the Westbury area have already been asked about the sorts of services and facilities they would like to see.
Concern over pool and library
An initial consultation earlier this year revealed that, although there was strong support for better leisure facilities, residents worry what a new campus would mean for existing facilities, in particular the historic swimming pool and town centre library.
A new stage of consultation will now ask for opinions on three options.
Exciting opportunity
“This is a very exciting opportunity for the Westbury area and we are really keen that as many people as possible have their say,” said area board chairman, cllr Russell Hawker. “It is all about helping to plan the future of our community and making sure those plans put local services in the right place to best serve the overall local community,”
Ideas for the campus will be presented by members of the Community Operations Board (COB) – a steering group of local people who are helping to guide this project with technical advice and support from council officers. The COB includes representatives from a range of local organisations including the town council and the area board.
The area board meeting, which starts at 7.00pm, will be held at the All Saints parish hall in Church Lane off Edward Street. Also on the agenda will be updates on a range of local issues including the recent fly infestation, local transport and traffic issues.
The board’s four council members will also be deciding on grant applications for funding for local projects and community groups and there will be a chance to learn more about upcoming events including the 125th anniversary celebrations at Westbury pool.
The agenda can be seen at boards and there are copies in the Westbury library. For more information about the meeting please contact the community area manager Sally Hendry on 01373 864714 or call Communications on 01225 713115/6.
Wiltshire Council has put forward the idea of campuses as a keystone for the future development of communities in the county. The idea is to ensure people have easy access to a range of flexible services in the most suitable place.
Campuses will be going ahead in all 20 community areas in Wiltshire. As well as combining all the council services on one or two sites, the campus would provide space for drop-in and advice services, including the police and a possible clinical room.