A CARE home in Westbury has been told once again that it must improve, and a recent inspection was the fourth in two years that judged the home not to be meeting national standards.
Westbury Court Care Home was told it ‘Requires Improvement’ in a report released earlier in August by independent watchdog the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The home on Station Road has now been given the rating – below ‘Good’ but above ‘Inadequate’ – consistently for over two years. It was ‘Good’ in three out of the five categories in an inspection last year, but has worsened this time to four out of five areas requiring improvement.
This month’s report said that the home, looking after 46 people at the time of the inspections in July, was consistently short staffed at weekends and that people weren’t always given enough food and drink. It also said that written records were not always kept up to date.
The CQC did, however, note that staff were kind and compassionate, and that medicines were stored and given properly. It said staff were well-trained for their jobs, and that residents and relatives spoke positively about the care being given.
A spokesperson for Four Seasons Health Care, which owns the home told White Horse News, “The CQC inspectors said that people felt safe living at Westbury Court and they were treated with kindness and compassion in their day-to-day care. They received care from a team who knew them well and understood their needs. There was a pleasant and friendly atmosphere throughout the building.
“The inspectors saw staff treating people in a dignified manner, ensuring their privacy was respected at all times.
“People and their relatives spoke positively about staff. One said: “The caring is exceptionally good.” Staff members said they enjoyed their jobs. Their comments included: “I want to make sure that people here get the care they deserve. I really want to get things right for people” and “Being able to interact with people is what care is all about. I feel blessed to be able to do my job.”
“The inspectors reported that there were safe recruitment and selection processes in place and the staff had received appropriate training to develop the skills and knowledge needed to provide people with the necessary care and support.
“People had access to healthcare services to support them to maintain good health, and medicines were given in a safe and caring way. The inspectors heard comments from people that both the quantity and quality of food has improved. They saw that the kitchen was clean and tidy and had appropriate colour coded equipment and utensils to ensure that food was prepared in line with food safety guidance.
“People were able to choose what activities they took part in and suggest other activities they would like to complete. The activities co-ordinator told us they tried to organise activities that included people’s past interests and hobbies.
“We are sorry that some aspects of the service were not to the standards we expect to provide and, although no aspect was rated inadequate, the inspectors identified things that we should be doing better. Since the inspection we have been implementing a programme of improvements to address their requirements and recommendations.
“As the inspectors found, staff on some shifts were stretched because of colleagues being absent. The inspectors acknowledged that we were already increasing staffing levels and recruitment has continued. We have also reviewed the duty rosters with staff, as well as a process for letting us know in a timely way if they are unwell so that we can arrange cover.
“The inspectors identified that aspects of care documentation required improving, but they acknowledged that the home had introduced a new and better format for recording people’s care and support needs and that changing everyone’s plans was still a work in progress at the time of the inspection. We are committed to provide good personalised care and we have been reviewing care plans and records with residents and their relatives to ensure this happens.”
To read the full CQC inspection report go to www.cqc.org.uk
The company listed as running the care home has changed, but there has been no practical change at the home, White Horse News understands.
The CQC previously had the home listed under the charge of Laudcare Limited, but it was this month changed to Alliance Care (Dales Homes) Ltd. In reality another company, Brighterkind, runs the service. All three companies are part of Four Seasons Health Care.
A spokesperson said the move was part of internal ‘tidying’ at Four Seasons, and would have ‘no effect whatsoever on the operation of the home.’
All the CQC’s reports on the home have been archived under the Laudcare Limited entity; the CQC website now says that Westbury Court Care Home, currently run by Alliance Care, was registered on 2nd August 2016 and has not yet been inspected.