The biggest change in the electoral registration system in nearly 100 years is being introduced in Wiltshire over the summer.
Everyone living in the county will receive a letter explaining the new secure Individual Electoral Registration system being rolled out across the country to replace the previous method.
Now anyone entitled to vote will be responsible for registering themselves, replacing the former system where the ‘head of the household’ registered everyone living in a property. Most people will automatically move onto the new electoral register but some will need to register online, an option available for the first time, to join or remain on the register.
Stuart Wheeler, cabinet member for democratic services said, “Wiltshire residents will receive a letter explaining the change to the electoral registration system. Look out for this as it will tell you if you have been automatically transferred to the new register or not. If you have not been transferred, you will be asked to provide some additional information and the letter will tell you exactly what you need to do.”
Samantha Mills, head of campaigns at the Electoral Commission said, “This summer the Electoral Commission will launch a major advertising campaign that will raise awareness of the change to Individual Electoral Registration. We welcome this change, which will lead to a more secure register and replace the outdated Victorian concept that a single ‘head of household’ is responsible for registering everyone.”
If you don’t receive a letter or for more information visit www.